-PTI/ The Hindu 5,950 people shifted to safer places; rescue operations under way, says CM The flood situation is “grim” in north Madhya Pradesh where over 1,200 villages were affected following heavy rainfall and 5,950 people were shifted to safer places with the help of the Army, the NDRF, the BSF and State agencies, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on Wednesday. He said 1,950 persons were still stranded in flood-hit areas and...
Total number of journalists and media houses targeted was 228 in 2020, states India Press Freedom Report 2020 by RRAG
-Press release by Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) dated 30 July, 2021 NEW DELHI: “During 2020 at least 228 journalists (including two cases against media houses) were targeted. These included 12 female journalists who had faced physical violence, online harassment/ threats and cases including under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) of 1967”, stated Mr Suhas Chakma, Director of the Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) while releasing India...
More »At least 60 dead as rains batter western Maharashtra -Shoumojit Banerjee
-The Hindu Landslides kill 49 in Raigad; rescue efforts hampered. At least 60 persons have lost their lives in landslides triggered by intense rain in western Maharashtra and the coastal Konkan region as monsoon fury continued unabated over the region on Friday. While the entire State, including the normally arid Marathwada and Vidarbha regions, have been receiving particularly heavy showers over the last 72 hours, the situation remained particularly grim in the Mahad...
More »Six-fold increase in people suffering famine-like conditions since pandemic began
-Press release by Oxfam dated 9th July, 2021 11 people are likely dying every minute from hunger, now outpacing COVID-19 fatalities, warns Oxfam A new Oxfam report today says that as many as 11 people are likely dying of hunger and malnutrition each minute. This is more than the current global death rate of COVID-19, which is around seven people per minute. The report, ‘The Hunger Virus Multiplies’ says that conflict remains the...
More »Migrant workers bore the brunt of 2020 lockdown due their poor access to social security schemes & legal rights, depicts latest NHRC report
The rise in COVID-19 daily new cases and daily new deaths compelled many state governments to impose local level lockdowns during April-May 2021. As of 20th April, 2021, partial lockdowns were noticed in 10 states across the country and complete lockdown was imposed in Delhi. As of 8th May, 2021, nearly the entire country was under complete lockdown as a result of either partial lockdowns and night curfews or complete...
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