Recent media reports point out that the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh is likely to get about Rs. 6,300 crore projects ahead of the upcoming Uttar Pradesh assembly polls, including a Rs. 400 crore worth plant for the propulsion system of anti-tank guided missiles in Jhansi. The foundation was laid for the first project in the Jhansi node (related to the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor) on November 18, 2021. The two...
School enrolment fell during pandemic: Annual Status of Education Report -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Yawning gap between States in access to online education, says the study. The percentage of rural children who were not enrolled in school doubled during the pandemic, with Government schools seeing an increase in enrolment at the expense of private schools, according to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2021. Over a third of children enrolled in Classes 1 and 2 have never attended school in person. However, enrolment does...
More »As schools re-open, address language & mathematics competences at different grades, adopting a socio-emotional development approach, suggests NCEE
-Press release by National Coalition on the Education Emergency dated 2nd November, 2021 * India’s 250 million children returning to school after 18 months of school closures and devastating learning loss * The NCEE warns that re-opening schools cannot be “return to school” as normal, and lack of a comprehensive approach will deepen the existing education inequality * Education recovery efforts require a multi-year, radically new approach, NCEE says NEW DELHI: The overwhelming majority...
More »80% of Indian Children Learnt Lesser During the Pandemic: UNICEF Report -Ditsa Bhattacharya UNICEF urged governments to prioritise the safe reopening of all schools, while also ensuring that children are able to pursue quality learning remotely if necessary. At least 80% of children in India between the age of 14-18 years reported lower levels of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic than when physically at school, according to a recent UNICEF report. The report pointed out that despite government, private and civil society actors coming together...
More »Nandini Oza, an activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), interviewed by Swapna Majumdar (The Hindu)
-The Hindu The archivist and activist on curating the oral history of the Narmada Bachao Andolan and its importance as a movement of the marginalised As an activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), Nandini Oza lived and worked among the people affected by the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) for over a decade. Having participated in the movement and documented its oral history through the voices of its leaders, she felt it...
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