-The Hindu But Tamil films are refreshingly different. Just six of the lead characters in the nearly 300 Bollywood movies released over the last two years belonged to a backward caste, an analysis of data by The Hindu shows. In contrast, a substantial number of popular Tamil movies of 2013 and 2014 had backward caste lead characters. For an insight into the depiction of caste in Bollywood, The Hindu analysed all hindi movies released...
In India, to be veg is to drink a lot of milk -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express From NSSO data comes a key feature of vegetarianism: states that consume more milk go slow on egg, fish, meat. Being vegetarian means having a diet loaded with dal, sabzi and phal, right? Wrong — when it comes to India, at least. Average household monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) on vegetables and fresh fruit is higher in fish- and beef-eating Kerala than in “vegetarian” Madhya Pradesh, whose Chief Minister...
More »‘Legal Friends’ Fight Gender Violence in Rural India -Stella Paul
-IPS News BETUL, India- Mamta Bai, 36, distinctly remembers the first time the police came to her village: it was December 2014 and her neighbour, Purva Bai, had just been beaten unconscious by her alcoholic husband, prompting Mamta to make a distress call to the nearest station. Once in the neighborhood, policemen pulled the abusive husband out of his home and asked the village women if they wanted him to be arrested. “Yes,”...
More »Govt clips project, spikes an ancient tribe's attempt to claw out of poverty -M Poornima
-Hindustan Times Sheopur: Raju Adivasi is young, a postgraduate in hindi literature and is, without doubt, the most qualified among the ancient Saharia tribespeople of Sheopur. They, as tribe, are entitled to walk in and walk out with any government job matching their qualification without interview. But he has been jobless for the past 10 months after the Centre stopped funds to a scheme that had gave him job in a government...
More »Melinda in our midst
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, today went to Sondari village in Khunti, some 60km from Ranchi, asking village women how farming helped empower their lives. Around 10am, before they pushed off to their haats, fields or got bound to their family kitchens for the day, village women found Melinda in their midst. As the women spoke a mix of Mundari and hindi and Melinda English,...
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