-The Indian Express The court ruled that more than 1500 cases of alleged fake encounters in Manipur in the last 20 years "must be investigated." New Delhi: The Supreme Court Friday said that indefinite deployment of armed forces in the name of restoring normalcy under AFSPA “would mock at our democratic process”, apart from symbolising a failure of the civil administration and the armed forces. The court also said that “ordinarily our armed...
Health Data Should Leave No Indian Behind -Oommen C Kurian
-TheWire.in The shift from the MDGs to sustainable development goals is also a shift from tracking aggregates to tracking more disaggregated indicators, and India urgently needs a strategy to overcome data limitations. India may be one of the very few countries where key central ministries disagree on whether crucial Millennium Development Goals (MDG) will be achieved or not. MDG 5, whose target was reduction of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) by three quarters...
More »Government unveils norms for farm loan waiver scheme
-The Hindu Cooperative societies will get the amount in a phased manner Chennai: Pursuant to the announcement made by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on the waiver of agricultural loans availed by small and micro farmers from cooperative banks, the State government has issued specific guidelines to be followed while implementing the waiver. According to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies (RCS), the scheme would be applicable to entire outstanding principal, interest, penal interest and all...
More »Empower through ‘e-panchayats’ -KP Shashidharan
-The Hindu Business Line The National e-Governance Plan can ensure that higher devolution of funds translates into improved outcomes Cutting edge technology is, no doubt, empowering. The right application of technology can boost productivity in all sectors of the economy: agriculture, manufacturing, services, business and governmental activities. Technology enables informed decision-making, stakeholder participation and efficient service delivery and can help ensure transparency, accountability, and rule of law leading to inclusive good governance....
More »Progress of rains less than ideal -Aditi Nayar
-The Hindu Business Line Low ground water levels have led to sluggish start to sowing of most kharif crops Pay Commission payouts may be a welcome shower of salary, but monsoon showers matter most for the economy. Why so? The proportion of the country’s working population dependent on agriculture was at 38 per cent in 2011-12 — and this, even as the share of agriculture in the Indian economy stood at a modest 15...
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