More than 500 farmers from Kuditini, Harigandoni and Veeniveerapura launched a padayatra from Kuditini to Bangalore on Friday under the banner of Bhoo Santhrasathara Horata Samithi. The farmers are demanding a Compensation of Rs 77 lakh per acre for the land they parted with for Arcelor-Mittal to set up a steel plant. The padayatra will culminate on November 3. On the next day, the farmers will stage a protest in front...
Population stabilisation target date pushed back to 2070 by Aarti Dhar
It's extremely difficult to achieve it by 2045: Azad With the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) continuing at 2.8 per cent, the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry has pushed back the target date for achieving population stabilisation to 2070 from 2045, stipulated in the National Population Policy (NPP) 2000. It is “extremely difficult” to achieve it by 2045. At the current rate of implementation, we expect population stabilisation to be achieved only...
More »ArcelorMittal's Bellary steel project passes farmers' test by PP Thimmaya
Arcelormittal’s plans to set up a six million tonne per annum (mtpa) steel plant in Bellary district of Karnataka is on track, with farmers coming forward to accept the Compensation package for land acquisition. The world’s largest steel producer had zeroed in on Kuditini in Bellary district to set up its plant and laid out a land requirement of around 4,000 acres. However, these plans were opposed by some farmer groups...
More »Land troubles for port project by MN Samdani
The prestigious Rs 2,500-crore Machilipatnam port project is unable to cruise what with the district administration failing to hand over 4,000 acres of land to the developers, Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd (NECL), even six months after the state government gave its nod for the project. The Congress government awarded the project to NECL this April after cancelling the previous agreement with Maytas-led consortium following its involvement in the multi-crore Satyam scandal....
More »Posco paid for study on Posco by Priscilla Jebaraj
Claims about the benefits of Posco's $12 billion integrated steel project to Orissa's economy and job market come from a study by an “independent” research organisation — but was paid for by Posco itself. In January 2007, the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) published a report on ‘Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the POSCO Steel Project in Orissa,' which claimed that the project would directly and indirectly generate 8.7...
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