-The Hindustan Times Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday said "possible solutions" are being explored to the situation created by the Supreme Court striking down Uttar Pradesh's decision to provide quota for SCs,STs and OBCs in government jobs. He made the comments at an all-party meeting convened at his residence this evening to discuss a way out in the wake of demands that a law should be enacted in this regard. "The...
Resurgent agricultural sector to have larger share in economy-Vinay Pandey
-The Economic Times A change in the national accounts, slated to take place sometime in the next two years, will show that a resurgent farm sector is now the second biggest contributor to the economy, displacing manufacturing and financial services. The unexpected reversal is not just a statistical artefact. Instead it is an outcome of a change in the terms of trade, the price of agricultural produce compared to industrial output since...
More »Hate begets hate-Harsh Mander
-The Hindustan Times The country is once again dangerously adrift in a stormy sea of competitive hate politics. The signs are both ominous and familiar — the systematic creation of hatred against people because of their ethnicity or religion; rumours and hate propaganda choking the internet; the public moral justification of violence against targeted communities on grounds of ‘larger’ alleged wrongs; and weak-kneed State action against people and organisations which preach...
More »Trains to northeast arrive filled with 'refugees' in their own homeland
-The Hindustan Times The images bore an uncanny resemblance to Partition snap-shots. Trains packed with people barely able to find standing room, ferrying refugees in their own land. Even the overflowing toilets were choc-a-bloc with panicky residents of the North-East. Everyone fleeing an unknown enemy, everyone desperate to get back to the security of their own homes. Two trains from Bengaluru chugged into Howrah station on Friday carrying thousands of passengers en route...
More »CAG estimates: Our likely loss Rs. 38,00,00,00,00,000
-The Hindustan Times Indian taxpayers may have lost as much as Rs. 3.8 lakh crore in scams in the power, aviation and coal sectors over the past eight years, the country's state auditor said in reports tabled before Parliament. The Comptroller and Auditor General charged the government with allotting coalfields and land for power projects and Delhi’s airport to private firms at a fraction of the market price, bringing the corruption issue...
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