-The Times of India Information and broadcasting minister ManishTewari on Thursday said that his colleague and minister for overseas Indian affairs Vayalar Ravi has apologized for his sexist comments, and the matter should rest there. Tewari said the remark was unbecoming for someone working in the public sphere, but since Ravi had apologized and withdrawn his remarks, the matter should now be put to rest. A woman journalist in Kerala sought Ravi's...
Fate of probe in doubt as CID is called in
-The Telegraph Calcutta: Mamata Banerjee was staring at her darkest night in power after the chief minister shunted out police commissioner R.K. Pachnanda for ignoring the ruling party’s diktats and earned a damning rebuke from the governor. A crackdown that netted several Trinamul supporters and brought the police within striking distance of bigger fish during investigations into the murder of sub-inspector Tapas Chowdhury was said to be the immediate trigger for the...
More »Fall in word and spirit-Rudrangshu Mukherjee
-The Telegraph It is the time for West Bengal to create landmarks. First, the denial of a rape; second, the arrest of an academic for circulating a cartoon; third, a public circus with the winners of the Indian Premier League; fourth, the mimicry of the prime minister on television; fifth, the announcement of sop after sop even though the state is bankrupt; sixth, the announcement in the hills of being “rough...
More »Coalgate probe stalls as CBI awaits files from ministry -Rajeev Deshpande & Neeraj Chauhan
-The Times of India More than five months after the CBI began investigating Coalgate, the agency is yet to receive hundreds of files from the coal ministry as it probes charges of criminality in allocation of coal blocks to private players. Although CBI has been sifting through an enormous mass of information regarding coal block allocations that the CAG has said caused a loss of Rs 1.86 lakh crore to the government,...
More »Sori acquitted in crucial case, lawyer optimistic of speedy Essar trial-Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu Soni Sori, the tribal accused of acting as a courier between Essar Steel and the outlawed Communist Party of India (Maoist), has been acquitted in a crucial case filed in 2010 by the Dantewada district police against 19 individuals for allegedly opening fire and using explosives to blow vehicles of Essar. Ms Sori was one of the key accused in the case. “But the additional sessions court of Anita Dehariya could not find...
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