The state has received Rs 5,942 crore, or 19% of the total Rs 31,149 crore released by New Delhi this financial year, it is followed by UP, allocated Rs 4,726 crore, or 15% and Andhra Pradesh, with Rs 3,781 crore, or 12% Rajasthan remains the top beneficiary of funds released by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government for its flagship income generation scheme. The state has received Rs 5,942 crore, or 19%...
“Corruption pervasive in failed PDS” by J Venkatesan
Political influence and interference hampering distribution, says court-appointed vigilance panel Large-scale diversion of foodgrains; black marketing by fair price shop dealers All-round complicity among FPS, transporters and corrupt Civil Supplies officials The Supreme Court-appointed Central Vigilance Committee (CVC) has slammed the Public Distribution System as one of the most corrupt sectors, saying the root cause of its failure in several States is political interference. “Corruption is all pervasive in the entire chain involved...
More »National LPG scheme inaugurated
Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Murli Deora inaugurated the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen LPG Vitarak Yojana as a national scheme for providing liquefied petroleum gas to the rural households at Lachhmangarh in Sikar district of Rajasthan on Sunday. Six dealers were selected for rural locations in the State through draw of lots. Addressing the gathering, Mr. Deora said the Union Government was committed to providing convenient and hygienic cooking fuel to...
More »UNDP Administrator praises successful implementation of rural jobs scheme
“It would improve the standard of life of people in the rural areas” United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark has praised successful implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rajasthan, saying it would improve the standard of life of people in the rural areas and stop their migration to cities. “Conceived as the biggest employment generation programme in the world, the NREGS is seemingly yielding...
More »Farmer suicide rate: 5 a week by Sanjeev Kumar Patro
The bane of farmers’ suicides has taken Orissa in its vice-like grip with five ending their lives in every seven days. The trend has grown by over six per cent in 2008 as the State has climbed the ladder at a notoriously fast pace to rank 12th of the 28 states with most farmer deaths, the statistics released by the National Crime Records Bureau has revealed. The growth is over 40...
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