-The Times of India The National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) expressed "dismay" over the Chhattisgarh assembly's decision to increase RTI application fees by 900% from Rs 50 to Rs 500. Fees per copy has been increased to Rs 15 and the inspection of documents to Rs 50. In a statement signed by Venkatesh Nayak, Nikhil Dey, Angela Rangad and Ramakrishna Raju, NCPRI said, "A move of this nature can...
UID as User’s ID by Ila Patnaik
The government appears to be working towards an amicable solution on the question of who can collect biometric information data for the Indian population. There has been disagreement about whether this will be done by the UIDAI headed by Nandan Nilekani, or the National Population Register headed by Home Minister P. Chidambaram. It now seems that both may continue to collect data but share its use. When any country sets about...
More »A war almost won by R Ramachandran
India seems to have arrived at the threshold of polio eradication, but should it lower its guard? ON January 13, India achieved what had only two years ago seemed impossible in the immediate term. The country, which, given the epidemiological data in the new millennium, had come to be regarded by health experts around the world as one that would be the last to achieve freedom from polio (poliomyelitis), recorded no...
More »NGO launches website on hunger
-The Hindu At a time when Karnataka is in the news for increase in the number of malnourished children, the Jana Arogya Andolana Karnataka (JAAK), an NGO working in the field of health, has come out with a portal on hunger The portal, www.republicofhunger.org, is aimed at conveying to people the depth of the problem and will serve as a watchdog, and examine the claims of the State Government regarding the issue...
More »'Organic farming can create 60 lakh jobs' by Milind Ghatwai
Madhya Pradesh accounts for nearly 40 per cent of the total area under certified organic farming in the country. Though most of it is due to cotton fields, the state has an immense potential to bring even food crops under organic cultivation. What may help the state’s cause is that agriculture is already organic by default in many tribal-dominated districts because farmers either don't have the resources to use chemical fertilizers...
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