Congress President Sonia Gandhi's official residence 10, Janpath has consumed electricity worth more than Rs. 7 lakh in the last three years, a reply to an rti has revealed. Out of the total bill of Rs. 7.47 lakh, the Lok Sabha Secretariat paid Rs. 7.38 lakh while Gandhi herself paid about Rs. 9000. As per the rti reply, received from the Lok Sabha Secretariat, 10 Janpath consumed a little over two lakh...
European Commission honour for India Today journalist
An India Today report based on the Right to Information Act by Associate Editor Shyamlal Yadav is among the winning entries for the 2010 Lorenzo Natali Prize (LNP)-2010, an annual competition open to journalists worldwide. The report was among the 17 best entries (three from each continent and two special prizes) from over 1,100 nominations worldwide. Awarded by the European Commission, the LNP is supported by Reporters Without Borders and WAN IFRA...
More »Widening horizons by V Venkatesan
The outgoing CIC interprets the rti Act in a liberal spirit to direct the Calcutta High Court to provide information to an applicant. IN a landmark decision before he completed his term as Chief Information Commissioner on September 30, Wajahat Habibullah rejected the Calcutta High Court's contention that it was not subject to the CIC's jurisdiction under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The Calcutta High Court has the distinction of...
More »Activists lament courts going soft on rti offenders
The trend of government officials approaching the High Court against the Central Information Commission's (CIC) decision imposing fines on PIOs for delay in information to applicants under the rti Act has started a debate amongst the rti activists. Activists said very few information commissioners have levied monetary fine on the Public Information Officers (PIOs), who do not comply with the provisions of the Right to Information (rti) Act. And now the...
More »Parliament was misled over Adarsh issue: Medha
The Mumbai Collector had, in a letter to the Defence Estates Officer, Mumbai Circle, dated July 12, 2004, denied that the government of Maharashtra allotted any land to the Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society in Colaba. Records obtained using the Right to Information (rti) Act by the National Alliance of Peoples' Movements (NAPM), which were released on Monday by Ms. Medha Patkar, Simpreet Singh and other activists, show that the Collector accorded...
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