Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly hikes application fee to Rs 500, could also reject request for information In a move that is clearly against the letter and spirit of Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly will now consider an applicant’s intent before providing information. The Assembly could even reject the application if it is convinced that it has been made with mala fide intent. This clearly goes against...
RTI: Right To U-Turn by KP Narayana Kumar
Activists fear that the government’s move to exempt the CBI from the Right to Information Act could have ulterior motives Kiran Bedi is convinced that the UPA government’s reluctance to give the proposed citizen’s ombudsman, the Lokpal, control of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the country’s premier investigation agency, is due to skeletons that lie buried deep in the agency’s cupboards. The day Parliament was to discuss the Lokpal Bill,...
More »Video conferencing facility for rape victims
-Tehelka Victims will be able to record testimonies without being physically present in Delhi district courts Recounting the horrors of being sexually assaulted is an ordeal for victims particularly in court with the defence shooting off insensitive questions amid strangers. To ensure that victims give testimonies without fear or duress, the Delhi’s Department of Law, Justice & Legislative Affairs will soon install video conferencing facilities in courts. For the first time in...
More »Salman Rushdie: Politicians in bed with extremists for electoral gains
-The Times of India Salman Rushdie, whose Jaipur Litfest video conference was cancelled on Tuesday, expressed disappointment that politicians are in bed with religious extremists groups and hence unwilling to oppose or stop them. "My overwhelming feeling is a disappointment on behalf of India, which is a country that I have loved all my life and whose long-term commitment to secularism and liberty is something I've praised for much of my life....
More »Macha Leima's RTI project launched
-Hueiyen News Service There can be no development in Manipuri society as long as the people merely lament over deprivation of BPL rice, kerosene, NREGS wages, etc and expect to get some benefits from the government, Prof Chongtham Priyoranjan of Department of Economics, Manipur University has stated. He was speaking as Chief Guest at the launch of a project of Manipuri Chanura Marup (Macha Leima) to empower women in using RTI Act,...
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