-PTI The Communist Party of India (CPI) national secretary, D Raja, today demanded that the Odisha government should shift Posco steel plant from its current location."Even hough the locals, and particularly tribals, have been agitating against the plant since last six years, the Odisha government never listened to them," Raja said, adding that the state government was mercilessly using the police to suppress the people's movement."I urge the government to...
Singur Ordinance falls through on Mamata faux pas by Sutanuka Ghosal
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee faced a major embarrassment on Friday as she was forced to put on hold an ordinance restoring land in Singur to farmers. The state government on Friday instead proposed to table a Bill in the legislative assembly on Tuesday so that the land in Singur-currently the site of an abandoned Tata Motors factory-can eventually be given back to farmers. "The ordinance that was promulgated on...
More »Mamata Banerjee re-acquires some land leased out to Tatas in Singur
-The Economic Times The West Bengal government on Thursday promulgated an Ordinance to re-acquire 400 acres of the 997-acre Singur property that was leased out to the Tatas in March 2007 for the Nano project . The ordinance has been signed by governor MK Narayanan. The ordinance presumably kills two birds with a stone. It will enable chief minister Mamata Banerjee to keep a nearly three-year-old promise she had made to Singur's...
More »Ordinance ‘takes back’ Tata land
-The Telegraph Chief minister Mamata Banerjee today said the state government had “taken back” through an ordinance the 997.11 acres lying with the Tatas and vendors in Singur to fulfil the promise of returning plots to disgruntled farmers. The dramatic announcement evoked studied silence from the Tatas, sounded the death knell for the agreement the business group signed with the erstwhile Left government and triggered hair-splitting that raised questions about the...
More »Internet as a human right, courtesy RTI by Osama Manzar
If access to information is the first step towards empowerment, then it is important to make Internet accessibility a human right because a lot of useful information, particularly relating to government schemes, is either unpublished or inaccessible by other means for most citizens The government’s approach towards universal Internet access is marred by dichotomy. While the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, calls Internet one of the most effective means of...
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