-The Hindu Financial packages in place as early as March, court told The Centre took strong objection to averments made in the Supreme Court on Thursday that it would not have budged to protect borrowers from financial ruin triggered by the COVID-19 lockdown, had the court not intervened on time. Appearing before a Bench led by Justice Ashok Bhushan, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said submissions like that were painted in “political colour”. Mr. Mehta...
The need for ‘maximum government’ -Rohit Azad
-The Hindu The current crisis has provided us with an opportunity to rethink our health, economic and climate policies In the new set of relief measures announced by the Finance Minister, job creation has moved to the forefront. This shows that the government has finally accepted that the unemployment rates are very high, a fact it has so far been suppressing or dismissing. This is a welcome change given its usual ostrich-like...
More »The covid-19 boost to health insurance, in four charts -Arjun Srinivas and howindialives.com
-Livemint.com In the Apr-Sep period, health insurance leaped ahead of motor insurance to lead the non-life insurance segment in India for the first time. For a business that thrives on medical uncertainty, the covid-19 pandemic has provided a shot in the arm for the health insurance industry in India. The prospect of hospitalisation due to covid-19, and high medical costs in private hospitals have driven more Indians to sign up for private...
More »‘Celebrity bias’ in Editors Guild of India -Umanand Jaiswal
-The Telegraph In the letter, Patricia Mukhim mentioned Republic TV managing director Arnab Goswami who was recently arrested in a suicide abetment case Guwahati: Latent disquiet in newsrooms about the way some celebrity anchors are being defended with alacrity and others being left to fend for themselves has spilled out in the open with an editor resigning from the Editors Guild of India. Patricia Mukhim, editor of The Shillong Times, has sent her...
More »‘Parkinson’s is recognised as disabling’: NPRD seeks NHRC’s intervention in Stan Swamy’s case
-The Indian Express Last week, a special court had directed the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to file a reply on an application filed by Swamy, who had sought permission to be allowed a straw and sipper in the jail. The NIA has been asked to file a reply to the plea by November 26. Seeking the National Human Rights Commission of India’s (NHRC) intervention, the National Platform for the Rights of the...
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