A local court on Wednesday directed Luknow police to register a case of fraud and cheating against Delhi based self proclaimed godman Nirmal Baba alias Nirmaljeet Singh Nerula. Chief Judicial Magistrate Rajesh Upadhyaya further directed Gomitnagar police to probe the matter and submit the report in the court. The Judge cited a 1999 Supreme Court ruling and said that if a person present himself as godman capable of treating the disease...
India's vanishing aquifers
-The Business Standard Without policy correctives, a water crisis is inevitable In a future India, urban neighbourhoods might well be racked by internecine battles over water. The main reason to fear this dystopia is the astonishing rates at which groundwater is being sucked up from below the earth in this country. Groundwater finds a home in natural aquifers, layers of rock, clay and sand far underground. For thousands of years, Indians...
More »We are bleeding our farmers-Seemaa Kamdar
As children, we were taught to say before our meals, “Annadaata sukhi bhava.” It was a thanksgiving to God for sending the farmer to make food for us and may God bless him. Today, the farmer is helpless. He has no God to go to. Farmer suicides are the tip of the iceberg. The future of agriculture, or lack of it, is staring us in the face. Periodical doles like loan waivers...
More »Untreated groundwater a serious health issue, says survey-Aarti Dhar
A survey of 71 Cities across the country conducted by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has shown that officially 82 per cent of all the water that municipalities of these Cities supply comes from surface water resources, and the rest comes from groundwater resources. But of these 71 Cities, 11 depend almost completely on groundwater for public water supply. In the remaining, agencies supply water from surface sources by...
More »The insensitive Indian
-The Hindu Two students from the North-East have died unnatural deaths in the last few days. Dana Sangma, a student from Meghalaya studying for an MBA at an institute in Gurgaon, committed suicide after she was accused by her college of cheating; Richard Loitam, a student of architecture from Manipur, was found dead in his hostel room in Bangalore from head injuries. In both cases, there have been allegations of callousness...
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