The ongoing probe into illegal mining in Karnataka have revealed some startling facts, including the fact that Transportation of ore has gone up two fold after a ban was imposed. Karnataka Lokayukta Justice N Santosh Hegde is probing the issue of illegal mining, which rocked the Parliament a couple of days ago. Justice Hegde, who is expected to submit his report on illegal mining in another four months, told that the...
Govt starts reclaiming agricultural land worth crores in city by Tushar Tere
In a major setback to the encroachers, the district administration has begun reclaiming land worth hundreds of crores of rupees from different areas of the city. Buildings constructed illegally on agricultural land along National Highway 8 were razed on Monday, while notices were issued to other encroachers. According to district administration, hundreds of acres of land given for agricultural purpose was misused by the owners and sold off illegally. The...
More »Arunachal CM stresses on PDS, hill Transport subsidy
Streamlining the PDS is a priority of the Arunachal Pradesh government and it has taken up with the Centre for early release of funds against bills for hill Transport subsidy held back for more than five years, Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu said on Sunday. Unfurling the National Tricolour on the 64th Independence Day, Khandu said the state required Rs 200 crore a year as hill Transport subsidy for reaching PDS...
More »Threat to a system by CP Chandrasekhar
The National Advisory Council's move to restrict universalisation of the PDS to the most disadvantaged districts may ultimately end up limiting its impact. RECENT weeks have seen rather contradictory statements on the challenge of ensuring food security and the set of feasible initiatives for managing the food economy. To start with, the National Advisory Council (NAC), which recognises the need for a universal public distribution system (PDS), and which was expected to...
More »KV Thomas, Minister of State for Agriculture interviewed by Bijay Kumar Singh
It is estimated that food grain worth Rs 60,000 crore have been left to rot. Who is responsible? This figure is highly exaggerated. According to a study by the agriculture ministry, only 0.004 percent of stored food grain are rotten. There were 11,708 tonnes of damaged and non-issuable food grain in Food Corporation of India (FCI) depots. However, the whole lot hasn’t become spoilt. This quantity has become non-issuable to...
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