-PTI The Patna High Court on Wednesday set aside the conviction of all 26 accused, 16 of whom were awarded death sentence by a lower court, for the massacre of 58 Dalits in Laxmanpur Bathe village in Bihar's Jehanabad district 16 years ago. A Division Bench comprising Justices V N Sinha and A K Lal absolved all 26 persons of all the charges for lack of evidence against them. The order was...
Patna HC acquits all 26 convicted of Dalit killings -Prashant Pratap
-The Hindustan Times Patna: The Patna High Court on Wednesday set aside the conviction of 26 persons, 16 of them awarded the death sentence, in a 16-year-old case of massacre of 58 Dalits in a Bihar village. The court acquitted the 26 of all charges for lack of evidence. Two of those awarded death are since dead while a third is absconding. Suspected members of the Ranveer Sena, an outlawed upper caste militia,...
More »Allahabad HC bans idol immersion in Ganga and Yamuna -Rajesh Kumar Pandey
-The Times of India ALLAHABAD: The Allahabad High Court has banned with immediate effect the immersion of idols in the Ganga and Yamuna at Allahabad. While the order is applicable to Vijaya Dashmi on October 14 this year, the court has directed the state government to ensure its implementation across UP from next year. The court directed the Allahabad district administration to identify and develop other places for immersions. It also asked...
More »The UID Crisis: Don't waste it-Surabhi Agarwal
-The Business Standard The next catastrophe to hit UID will be on breach of privacy, which will happen sooner than later Tech czar and soon to be politician Nandan Nilekani joined Twitter last week and already has some 650 plus followers. The man shunned all forms of social media during the last four years as the chief of the unique identify (UID) or Aadhaar project. So this sudden change in strategy is...
More »NPR rolls on, regardless -T Ramakrishnan
-The Hindu The Supreme Court's latest order on Aadhaar card seems to have little bearing on the ongoing enrolment in the National Population Register (NPR). The reason is simple: it has no link with entitlements. The Supreme Court's latest order on Aadhaar card seems to have little bearing on the ongoing enrolment in the National Population Register (NPR). The reason is simple: it has no link with entitlements. Also, it is business as-usual...
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