-New Indian Express The SP of Sundergarh district of Odisha has admitted before the NHRC that a tribal senior citizen and three women were forced to walk nude in a procession to all the nearby hamlets of Kiralaga, a village under Talsara police station.The SP submitted his report after the NHRC issued notice to the DGP on a petition filed by Supreme Court lawyer and rights Activist Radhakanta Tripathy in this...
'RTE exclusion of minority schools needs review'-Bharath Joshi
-New Indian Express Bangalore: Child rights Activists are fuming over the Department of Public Instruction's (DPI) recent clarification that no section of the Right to Education (RTE) Act applies to unaided minority schools, prompting a need to revisit the Supreme Court order of last April. After several ‘misinforming' statements by its own officials on various public platforms, the DPI, on April 24, clarified that "it would take no initiatives to enforce the...
More »Jairam writes to Nitish Kumar on murder of RTI Activists
-The Hindu I am sure all efforts are being made, but no arrests have yet been made, said Jairam Patna: Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has written to Bihar Chief Minister raising concerns over the recent murders of RTI Activists in Bihar. Mr. Ramesh said in the letter that his ministry was working on a protocol - that would be applicable for the entire country - for such cases. In two recent incidents,...
More »Germany seeks clemency for Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar -Shubhajit Roy
-The Indian Express Almost a month after the Supreme Court dismissed convicted Khalistani terrorist Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar's plea that his death sentence be commuted to life imprisonment, German President Joachim Gauck and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle have written to their Indian counterparts seeking clemency for Bhullar. Bhullar, who was convicted for the 1993 car bomb blast outside the Youth Congress office in the capital in which nine people were killed, was...
More »NCW writes to Ministry again over AMU 'discriminatory practice'
-The Hindu The National Commission for Women has extended its support to the ongoing campaign for allowing non-professional undergraduate women students in Aligarh Muslim University access to the Maulana Azad Library. The NCW has written to the Union Human Resource Development Ministry expressing its concern over "the gender discrimination". Faculty members and students, who have been demanding an end to the "discriminatory" practice that does not allow students from Women's College access...
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