-The Hindu The ongoing peaceful protest against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant (KKNPP), which began in the early 1980s intensified after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. The protests revolve around fears over public safety and health arising from the existence and operation of the nuclear facility. The protesters, the men, women and children of Idinthakarai and surrounding villages, have consistently demanded transparency and honest public consultation. They do not need high...
Kudankulam nuclear reactor to be fuelled by mid-August: Officials
-IANS Chennai: The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd is hopeful of soon getting clearance from the sectoral regulator to fuel the first reactor at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP), a senior official said Sunday. "We had two detailed meetings with Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) Friday and Saturday. We hope to get a positive response from AERB in a week's time-by coming Saturday or Sunday," SA Bhardwaj, director (Technical) told IANS...
More »IB asked to probe if there is Maoist link in Maruti plant violence-Sandeep Joshi
-The Hindu MHA’s move prompted by violence that rocked Maruti Suzuki’s Manesar plant Large scale violence by workers that rocked Maruti Suzuki’s Manesar plant in Gurgaon last week has led the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to alert the Intelligence Bureau (IB) to probe whether there is any Maoist influence on trade unions in industrial belts in the National Capital Region (NCR). Senior MHA officials fear that Maoists might be trying to influence...
More »Report cites ‘major labour abuses’ in textile sector-M Soundariya Preetha
-The Hindu Though there are improvements in employment and labour conditions on the work floor and in workers’ hostels in textile mills and garment factories in the State, “major labour abuses continue to occur,” according to the latest report by non-government watchdogs. The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN) published a report, ‘Captured by cotton’, in May 2011 on the exploitation of Dalit...
More »What about N-waste from Kudankulam, HC asks Centre
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Where will the nuclear waste from the Kudankulam nuclear power plant be kept and what are the Centre's plans to process the spent fuel to ensure that it does not damage the environment? This is what the Madras high court, hearing a batch of public interest petitions on the nuclear plant, wants to know from the Centre. But in the absence of the additional solicitor-general (ASG) of...
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