-NDTV The scheme, announced during the budget in February promises Rs. 6,000 to 12 crore small and marginal farmer households each, at a total cost of Rs. 75,000 crore. As the government races to roll out PM KISAN, its flagship farmer cash handout scheme ahead of the elections, multiple challenges lie ahead. The scheme, announced during the budget in February promises Rs. 6,000 to 12 crore small and marginal farmer households each,...
Civil society protests eviction of Scheduled Tribes and OTFDs from forests
-Press Release by All India Forum of Forest Movements (AIFFM), dated February 22, 2019 On 13 February, the Supreme Court of India, hearing a decade-old petition challenging the constitutional validity of the Forest Rights Act, 2006, ordered that forest dwellers whose claims for recognition of forest rights have been rejected would have to be evicted in a summary and time-bound manner. The order contains separate instructions for each state government to...
More »Labour Bureau submits report on jobs created by MUDRA loans -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu The Labour Bureau has completed its survey on employment generated by the MUDRA loan scheme, giving the Centre a potential data tool to combat other reports showing a dismal scenario on jobs. “We have completed the survey and submitted the report to the Labour Ministry,” said a senior Labour Bureau official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “It is awaiting the Minister’s approval now… it is likely to be released in...
More »NSSO job loss report junked, Niti Aayog taps Mudra survey for data -Amitav Ranjan
-The Indian Express Findings of the Labour Bureau’s survey on jobs created under MUDRA scheme will be used to laud its achievement on this front. New Delhi: The NDA government plans to junk the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) report on unemployment and, instead, use findings of the Labour Bureau’s survey on jobs created under the Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency (Mudra) scheme to laud its achievement on this front. Niti...
More »'Make in India' has not eased manufacturing woes -Sneha Alexander
-Livemint.com * Despite its ambitious targets, NDA’s ‘Make in India’ has failed to improve investment, employment, and exports in India’s manufacturing sector * One area where this government has fared relatively better has been in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to the country MUMBAI: When the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) swept into power in 2014, one of its first acts was to launch the ‘Make in India’ initiative with the ambitious vow of...
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