-The Hindu Wrapped in a shawl turned grey from grime, the three-month-old baby girl was brought to meet this correspondent near the Taimur Nagar police post. “How do you like her,” the girl’s maternal aunt, Rahima, asked. “I know she is too skinny, so she looks horrible. But one month of proper food, and she will turn healthy. Look, her features are so sharp.” Rahima had made contact hoping to sell the...
Pneumonia No. 1 killer of children under 5: Report
-The Indian Express Pneumonia continues to be the leading cause of deaths among children under five years of age in India. According to the Pneumonia Progress Report 2012 brought out by the International Vaccine Access Centre and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in 2010, India recorded the highest under-five mortality from the dreaded disease. Though in the period 2000-10, the overall child mortality dipped from 9.6 million to 7.6...
More »To the tribals, this doctor is a ‘Bhagaban’ -Santosh Patnaik
-The Hindu He would spend his own money on patient care and go to villages regularly on a bicycle or a motorbike An estimated 60,000 tribals from 24 panchayats in Korukonda block were in tears when Dr. Suryakant Patjoshi was relieved as the medical officer of the Public Health Centre at Korukonda, about 20 km from Malkangiri, in 2008. For the people of Potrel, Gongalaguda, Koyaguda, Siraguda, Mohulput, Bonur and other hamlets...
More »Children’s Day to be 2012’s most polluted
-The Times of India Children's Day on Wednesday will be the most polluted day of the year, scientists from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune and Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast on Tuesday. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, and IMD have predicted that pollution from firecrackers this Diwali would, however, be about 10 per cent less than last year. "After the extreme pollution on November 9, Delhi will...
More »Polio cases down worldwide, trouble spots remain
-The Indian Express The number of polio cases worldwide reached a record low in 2012, giving experts confidence that the disease can finally be eradicated, according to presentations made at a major US conference. Just 177 cases were recorded globally through October 2012, down from 502 during the same period last year, said virologists attending the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Atlanta. But the experts said...
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