-The Times of India The loopholes which surfaced in the Aadhaar card registration process in the city had raised a big question mark on the claims of 100% Unique Identity (UID) enrollment done in the capital and elsewhere in the state. According to civil supplies department, which is the nodal agency for Aadhaar card enrollment in the state, so far 5.35 crore Citizens had enrolled for Aadhaar card in the state against...
Inflation takes away ‘feel good factor’, one-third Indians suffering: Survey-Sidhartha
High inflation and moderate economic growth seem to have taken away the "feel good" factor for many Indians. Gallup's Financial Wellbeing Index, released on Monday, showed that 31% of Indians rated their present and future lives as "suffering" compared to 24% in 2011. Similarly, only around 13% said that they are "thriving" compared to 21% a year ago. The biggest jump in the "suffering lot" is in the middle 20% population, where...
More »VIP vanity trumps Citizens’ security in Mumbai-Prafulla Marapakwar
The metropolis could have had five new police stations had the government accepted the recommendation of a committee on VIP security cover. A high-ranking IPS officer told TOI on Friday that the committee had recommended the reduction or withdrawal of the security cover of leading politicians. "But shockingly , chief minister Prithviraj Chavan and home minister R R Patil have rejected the recommendation for obvious political reasons," he said. Ironically, the...
More »Dr Edgar A Whitley, Reader in the Information Systems and Innovation Group at the LSE interviewed by Baba Umar
In 2005, when the Labour Party decided to implement the National Identity Project (NIP) in the UK, it drew severe criticism from many quarters, including the Tories, who later scrapped the NIP after coming to power. A report by the London School of Economics (LSE), which stated the project is “unsafe in law” and should be regarded as a “potential danger to public interest”, was instrumental in buttressing the arguments...
More »Aadhaar card scam unearthed in Hyderabad-Mahesh Buddi
HYDERABAD: Raising serious security issues over Aadhaar cards, an enrolment agent has processed 30,000 unique indentity cards (ID) within a span of just six months in the Old City. Also, among them 800 were enrolled under the physically-disabled persons category. However, a probe by investigating agencies revealed that the Aadhaar cards registered under the physically-disabled category were created with fake identities. The civil supplies department, which is the nodal agency for...
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