-PTI As much as 99 per cent of the junked Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes have returned to the banking system, RBI said today, prompting opposition to question the efficacy of the government's unprecedented note ban decision to curb black money and corruption. The Reserve Bank, which has so far shied away from disclosing the actual number of junked currency deposited after November 8 last year, said in its Annual Report...
India, China jointly propose removal of US, EU farm subsidies -D Ravi Kanth
-Livemint.com India and China joint proposal on elimination of $160 billion of trade-distorting farm subsidies in the US and EU has come as a game changer in global farm trade negotiations at the WTO Geneva: China and India have jointly proposed the elimination of $160 billion of trade-distorting farm subsidies in the US, European Union and other wealthy nations, a move that has come as a game changer in global farm trade...
More »Kharif sowing continues to be subdued
-The Hindu Business Line Only crops to have registered an increase in area under cultivation were cotton and sugarcane New Delhi: The shortfall in sowing of oilseeds and pulses has continued to bring down the total area under cultivation during the current kharif season as compared to the previous year. Farmers across the country have so far covered only 1,013.83 lakh hectares (ha) by end of this week as compared to 1,019.6 lakh...
More »Uttar Pradesh among top 5 encephalitis prone states, suggests official data
When more than 30 children died in Baba Raghav Das (BRD) Medical College due to Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) between 10th and 12th of August this year, it became a sensational news item for the Indian media. However, one cannot assume that the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath did not know that several districts of his state, including Gorakhpur were among the JE/ AES...
More »RSS group opposes special food packets schemes for malnourished children -Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-Hindustan Times Swadeshi Jagran Manch says programme to distribute dietary supplement packets to fight malnourishment benefits private players New Delhi: RSS’s offshoot Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) has urged the government to not rely on dietary supplement packets to help malnourished children since it will benefit large corporations. The SJM said the programme to begin ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) begun in BJP-ruled Rajasthan and Maharashtra has proved to be an “expensive and unsustainable” exercise. More...
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