-PTI Eleven of the 18 Uttarakhand Police personnel, accused in the 2009 fake encounter case of MBA student Ranbir Singh in Dehradun, on Tuesday surrendered before a Delhi court which sent them to jail. The accused policemen surrendered before Special CBI Judge V.K. Maheshwari in pursuance of the non-bailable warrants issued against them in May this year. “They be taken in custody and sent to judicial custody,” the court said. The accused personnel...
The political economy of petroleum prices-Vikram S Mehta
Desired outcomes can be reached through a series of ‘imperfect’ small initiatives What is to be done? How can we untie the Gordian knot that has so entangled the political economy of petroleum product prices? This is the question that now exercises our most experienced politicians and our ablest economists. Most well informed people know that a country that imports 80 per cent of its oil requirements cannot de-link itself from the...
More »MoEF panel favours bauxite mining in Vizag tribal area-M Suchitra
Yet-to-be-made public report dismisses environmental concerns The high-level committee set up by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) to study the socio-economic and ecological impacts of the proposed bauxite mining in Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam district has submitted its final report favouring mining. The committee concludes mining will not have any significant negative impact on the ecology. At the same time it recommends settling all claims under the Forest Rights...
More »CBI judge in the dock for taking bribe to grant bail to Reddy-KV Ramana
Giving a twist to the series of probes by the CBI and the queue by the accused to secure bail from lower courts, a CBI court judge was suspended by the Andhra Pradesh high court for allegedly accepting bribe to grant bail to mining baron Gali Janardhan Reddy. The high court on Thursday suspended T Pattabhirama Rao, first additional special judge for CBI cases, Hyderabad. However, the high court did not...
More »Airport concessionaire made a fortune out of land acquired at Rs. 4 per square yard from Delhi farmers - Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
Farmers, whose land was acquired at a meagre Rs. 4 per square yard in South West Delhi way back in 1955 in the name of undertaking planned development, have now seized upon the opportunity raised by the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India — on the loss caused to the exchequer by leasing away of some of this very land by Indira Gandhi International Airport concessionaire Delhi...
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