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Ending Poverty in UP a Must for World Bank Mission: Kim

-Outlook Lucknow: World Bank Group President Jim Young Kim today said the mission of the multilateral institution was to end Poverty, and there is no way in achieving this objective for the country without ending it in Uttar Pradesh. "We have called on two fundamental ideas one is end to Poverty... In this generation, we think that we can end the Poverty," Kim said in a joint press conference with Chief Minister...

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Like flowers and chocolates-Sonalde Desai

-The Indian Express Setting up women-only banks overlooks the reasons for their exclusion The women-only bank mentioned in the finance minister's budget speech is like flowers and chocolates — a sweet thought but just as unsubstantial. Financial exclusion of women is a real problem. It deserves far greater effort than sops like a women-only bank. Such a bank also runs counter to the logic of mainstreaming, rather than ghettoising, gender issues. It is...

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​Illegal bride bazaar still thriving in Old City -Bushra Baseerat

-The Times of India HYDERABAD: Contrary to popular perception, the age-old bride bazaar continues to flourish on the back of a well-oiled network of brokers in the Poverty-stricken parts of the Old City, with Muslim women increasingly falling victims to the trade. Activists say that till date, thousands of young women have been married off to cash-rich foreign nationals and the lives of many more are at stake. Activists say that the...

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Growing, and neglected

-The Economist A steadily rising Muslim population continues to fall behind IT TELLS you something hopeful perhaps that, for all the horror unleashed when two bombs laid by presumed militant Islamists ripped through a crowd in Hyderabad on February 21st, India’s public response has been muted. The blasts killed 16 and injured 117. Both the method of the attack (bombs in metal tiffin boxes strapped to bicycles) and its location (near a...

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In Rajasthan, 284 kids rescued from trafficking in 24 hours

-The Times of India JAIPUR: Nearly 284 children were rescued and 55 child traffickers were arrested from various West Bengal-bound trains in the past 24 hours in Bharatpur and Jaipur. These kids were being transported to Bihar and Bengal and as many as 19 out of the 284 were from Jaipur itself. The Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (RSCPCR) officials— with the help of the Jaipur and Bharatpur collectors...

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