-The Hindu Deal to ensure bail for Gali Janardhan Reddy struck for a whopping Rs. 20 crore, say sources As the enquiry into the cash-for-bail scam involving the former Karnataka Minister, Gali Janardhan Reddy, entered a crucial phase with the arrest of the retired judge, T.V. Chalapathi Rao, and another person, the big question before the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is whether the accused had a larger design than merely securing the bail...
Monsoon making rapid progress-P Sunderarajan
After a sluggish start, the south-west monsoon is on the upswing, covering newer areas by the hour. Director-General of India, Meteorological Department, L.S. Rathore told The Hindu on Sunday that the system had already covered about 40 per cent of the total geographical area of the country and the coverage could go up to at least 50 per cent by Monday evening. The rapid progress means the deficiency of rainfall at the...
More »Over 16k RTE seats vacant-Garima Prasher
BANGALORE: There are no takers as yet for over 16,000 seats reserved for the underprivileged in city schools. For instance, for 16,656 seats available in schools falling under the 25% quota in Bangalore South, only 2,384 applications have been filed. Similarly, for over 4,000 seats available in schools in Bangalore North, only 1,868 valid applications have been received by the BEOs. According to RTE rules notified by the Karnataka government on April...
More »States say no to trials, GM research in the doldrums-Chetan Chauhan
India's Genetically Modified (GM) crop growth story has been stalled with just four states allowing field trials. An eminent scientist has sought Prime Minister's intervention in this regard. Field trials of newly developed GM crops are important for scientific analysis of the yield and its commercial release. Till 2010, research institutions were free to conduct field trials anywhere in the country. But in 2011, the environment ministry had imposed a condition...
More »Delayed rainfall triggers 15-50% rise in vegetable prices-Jayashree Bhosale & Sutanuka Ghosal
PUNE/ KOLKATA: Heavy rains lashed Mumbai and parched fields in peninsular India as the monsoon resumed its journey after an agonising 11-day interruption, but the unforeseen 41% rain deficit this month has taken its toll, with vegetable prices rising sharply for the third straight month. The monsoon, almost stagnant since June 6, touched southern parts of Gujarat and Chhattisgarh on Sunday. It is forecast to gain momentum in the next three...
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