The spectre of inflation has returned to haunt India. It is not even six months since the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government returned to power but its inability to control food prices is arguably its single biggest failure till now. The inflation rate will eventually come down sometime in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future and the government will surely take credit for bringing prices down as and when that happens. But...
After ASEAN, India mulls FTAs with EU, Oz by Nirmala Ganapathy
The controversy over signing the India-ASEAN FTA has not dampened the enthusiasm of the UPA government for pursuing free trade agreements with other countries. Apart from the trade negotiations with the EU, the government is juggling with the possibility of entering into free trade agreements with quite a few countries and groupings. At present India is looking at the possibility of entering into FTA negotiations with Australia. Moving fast, a...
More »Farmers’ suicides continue in Vidarbha despite relief package
Five farmers committed suicide from the Vidarbha region of Maharastra within the last two days of the month of August, 2009. The farmers who committed suicides belonged to the districts for which special relief package was being announced recently. According to a press note circulated by the Vidarbha People’s Movement Committee, within the last 48 hours of August, farmers were forced to commit suicide as they faced crop failures owing...
More »Stop marketing India as a brand, says historian by Hasan Suroor
Here’s a hypothetical, though not altogether unfamiliar, scenario that academic and writer Sunil Khilnani invoked in a lecture at the British Museum to warn against what he called the “paradox of India’s new prosperity.” He asked his audience to imagine two traffic lanes, both at a standstill. After a while traffic in one of the lanes starts moving raising hopes of those stuck in the next lane that they, too,...
More »Milk dairies oppose import of skimmed powder, butter oil by Manas Dasgupta
To help farmers reeling under drought conditions AHMEDABAD: Cooperative milk dairies in Gujarat have submitted a joint memorandum to Prime Minister manmohan singh, requesting him to take immediate steps to discourage import of skimmed milk powder and butter oil and prevent export of ingredients used for manufacturing cattle feed. Among measures they have suggested to achieve the same, are restoration of customs duty on import of milk powder to the...
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