Total Matching Records found : 2576

India's very own blasphemy law by Vijayendra Mohanty

I take it you have heard about the blasphemy law and all the uproar it is causing? No, not the one in Pakistan. India now has its own blasphemy law now. It has a narrower focus and it is not rooted in any kind of religiosity, but at the end of the day, it is the exact same as Pakistan's blasphemy law. The government of India has brought forth legislation that...

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Food Security: Inconceivable without agricultural growth by Rajendra Singh

The Budget season is in full swing and allocations for various sectors being hotly debated upon both by policy makers and the public at large. What is important to remind ourselves, is that where this will lead this country of over one billion, facing challenges of balancing economic growth with social justice and equity. Food Security has moved from an issue of the poor and hungry and those who advocate their cause...

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“Why two different Bills on mental health?” by Aarti Dhar

Disability rights groups are up in arms against the divergent stands being taken by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on the rights of persons with disabilities. As per the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), ratified by India, all human beings are presumed to have legal capacities. However, while the new Persons with Disabilities Act, 2011...

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Police to oversee RTI activists' safety by Asseem Shaikh

The Pune police are in the process of setting up a three-member committee to supervise protection provided to Right to Information Act (RTI) activists as per a recent direction of the home department. Following the brutal murder of RTI activist Satish Shetty in Talegaon Dabhade on January 13, 2010, the issue of protection of RTI activists had come to the fore. The state government had issued a government resolution (GR) on...

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Mainstreaming domestic workers

The International Labour Organisation has done well to include a draft convention on decent work for domestic workers in the agenda for the 100th session of the International Labour Conference, scheduled for June. For centuries the domestic workers have lived along the margins of the international workforce. Well-documented reports by the ILO and other organisations point to the universality of their woes. Entirely informal in nature, domestic work, at its...

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