-The Indian Express On April 26, 2007, the Delhi Police Special Cell claimed to have arrested three Lashkar-e-Toiba operatives — one a Pakistani and two of Jammu and Kashmir — from Dilli Haat along with RDX, electronic detonators and grenades, and that this had foiled a fidayeen attack planned during celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the first war of Independence. After five years of trial, additional sessions judge (north), Tis...
Women’s property rights tied to suicides -Hemali Chhapia
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Has the amendment to the Hindu Succession Act conferring equal rights over property to daughters shattered the peace at home? A study put together by an AMerican and a Canadian university not only arrives at this conclusion but goes one step further and draws a co-relation between the Act being changed in 2005 and a subsequent rise in suicides. The paper, called 'Suicide and Property Rights in...
More »Tokyo University offers full scholarship to student of Patna-based 'Super 30' coaching institute
-ANI Tokyo University has offered a scholarship to a student of the Patna-based 'Super 30' coaching institute. 'Super-30' is a highly progressive and innovative educational programme functioning under the auspices of the Ramanujam School of Mathematics. It selects 30 Meritorious children from economically backward sections of the society and academically prepares them to join the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). Tokyo University Director Hiroshi Yoshino said he would love to invite students of Super...
More »Govt may make primary healthcare services free-Vidya Krishnan
-Live Mint The prime source of financing will be from general taxation or public exchequer, says Planning Commission Government-run hospitals may stop charging for primary services such as investigative tests as India attempts to provide universal health coverage to all its citizens. “No fee of any kind would be levied on primary healthcare services with the prime source of financing being from general taxation/public exchequer,” the Planning Commission says in its latest health...
More »Jairam opposes Plan panel move on rural schemes
-The Indian Express Unhappy over the Planning Commission attempt to convert flagship schemes of the Union Ministry for Rural Development from Centrally-sponsored schemes to additional Central assistance schemes, Minister Jairam Ramesh has shot off a strongly-worded letter to Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the commission. Apprehending that such a move will transfer the financial control of schemes such as MGNREGA and PMGSY to the Finance Ministry, Ramesh in his letter said,...
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