Farmers in Aligarh and Mathura districts of Uttar Pradesh went on a rampage, blocking roads and setting vehicles ablaze on Sunday after two persons were killed in police firing on Saturday. They were staging a demonstration to demand higher compensation for land acquired by the state government to build the Agra-Yamuna Expressway. A police official was also killed in the violence on Saturday. "Nearly half-a-dozen people were injured in clash with the...
District admin refutes claims of Saxena panel on Posco project
The Jagatsinghpur district administration has refuted the claims of National Forest Rights Act (NFRA) committee on presence of Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFDs) at the Posco project site and also on seeking the consent of gram sabha for diversion of forest land for the project. Contrary to the observations of the committee, the district collector said, there is no proof of any villager cultivating the forest land for the last three...
More »Insurance cover extended for workers under NREGS
The officials of the labour department decided to extend accidental insurance cover to 12,000 workers who worked 100 days in the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) works. These workers will get accidental insurance cover up to Rs 2 lakh. They are eligible for pension scheme also implemented by the labour department. The women workers are entitled for maternity benefit. If they contribute to the pension fund, they will get pension....
More »NREGA workers in Jharkhand compensated for delayed wages by Jean Dreze
Rs. 3,000 each awarded to 78 persons who had worked at three sites After a long struggle, 78 persons who had worked at three sites in Jharkhand under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, but had not been paid, have secured compensation for their ordeal. Deputy Labour Commissioner Mahendra Murmu awarded Rs. 3,000 per worker at a Labour Court here on Monday. This is seen as a breakthrough for the aggrieved workers,...
More »Can Organic Farming "Feed the World"? by Christos Vasilikiotis
The legacy of Industrial Agriculture With the world population passing the 6 billion mark last October, the debate over our ability to sustain a fast growing population is heating up. Biotechnology advocates in particular are becoming very vocal in their claim that there is no alternative to using genetically modified crops in agriculture if "we want to feed the world". Actually, that quote might be true. It depends what they mean...
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