-The Hindu The new Constitution Bench will sit for the first time on October 14. Over 60 years after an eight-judge Bench declared that Right to Privacy is not a fundamental right, the Supreme Court on Thursday decided to set up another Constitution Bench to re-look the question in the light of raging controversy that the Aadhaar card scheme is an invasion into citizen's privacy. In 1954, the Supreme Court Bench LED by...
Banks kilLED road sector: official -TCA Sharad Raghavan
-The Hindu Bubble createdby them resulted in high NPAs Banks caused a bubble, faiLED to do due diligence and lent more than what was warranted to developers, and this has LED to the high Non-Performing Assets (NPA) arising out of the road sector, Road Secretary Vijay Chhibber told The Hindu in an exclusive interview on Wednesday. “The banks have kilLED the road sector,” he said. “There was a bubble because the banks would...
More »Whitefly destroys 2/3rd of Punjab's cotton crop, 15 farmers commit suicide -Subodh Varma & Amit Bhattacharya
-The Times of India BATHINDA: "It was just like the Japanese air strike in the film, Pearl Harbour," said Naresh Kumar Lehri, a seed and pesticide dealer at Singho village in Punjab's Bathinda district. "They appeared out of nowhere and left a trail of destruction." Lehri was referring to the devastating attack by whitefly, a common pest, on the cotton crop in Punjab's Malwa region this year. It has affected about two-thirds...
More »Aadhaar, rights and the state -Usha Ramanathan
-The Indian Express The problem is that Aadhaar was never about individual choice, and was never intended to be voluntary. Nandan Nilekani’s plea that the Supreme Court “tweak” its order of August 11 in his article in these pages (‘Why Supreme Court judgment on Aadhaar calls for an appeal’, September 15) is innocent of the experience that people have had with the unique identification (UID) project in the past five years....
More »'Poor starving man will shed his privacy rights for Aadhaar' -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu People are hit hard after SC confined use of Aadhaar to PDS and LPG schemes, says Centre The Centre on Tuesday told the Supreme Court that a poor starving man will have no second thoughts about shedding his privacy rights to enrol for Aadhaar, as it gets him a square meal and earnings. With this, the government asked the Supreme Court to not stand in the way of crores of citizens...
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