-The Indian Express The government is aiming to lend Rs 165,000 crore to the poor and unbanked population through the overdraft facility at an interest rate of 11 per cent under its ongoing Jan Dhan financial inclusion programme. "It is estimated that there are 18.2 crore basic banking accounts and. by the end of the campaign another 15 crore accounts would get added. An overdraft of Rs 5,000 in each of these...
No infrastructure for universal health coverage in India, says report -Jyotsna Singh
-Down to Earth Infrastructure for primary healthcare has decreased in the past decade As India moves towards the goal of universal health coverage (UHC), its inadequate health infrastructure is going to pose major problems. In the past few years, the percentage of shortfall in basic infrastructure has increased, instead of declining, says a report released Thursday. Despite massive spending under the National Rural Health Mission, the shortfall in sub-centres increased by...
More »How to improve the welfare state -Ajay Chhibber
-The Business Standard Make schemes mobile and portable, by focusing on people and not products India spends close to four per cent of its GDP on an alphabet soup of welfare schemes and subsidies - it has become a welfare state before becoming a developed state. Despite its significant costs, India's welfare system is neither comprehensive nor very effective - subject to huge leakages and corruption, and not well knit into...
More »Will the ‘Jan’ get their ‘Dhan’? -Akansha Yadav & Sowmya Kidambi
-The Hindu Business Line Opening bank accounts in rural areas is all very well, but biometric frauds are a serious possibility The ambitious Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) aims at bringing millions of rural Indians within the financial mainstream by opening bank accounts. In 2006, the Reserve of India, recognising that a majority of rural Indians had little or no access to banking services, allowed banks to use third-party, non-bank agents...
More »The cotton blow to farmers -S Harpal Singh
-The Hindu ADILABAD (Telengana): With 40 suicides in 100 days, there is an urgent need for farmers to focus on other crops. The scale of finance for cotton is Rs. 24,000 per acre for un-irrigated crop while for red gram, black gram and green gram it is Rs. 11,000, Rs. 9,500 and Rs. 9,750 per acre. Adilabad seems to be holding onto to its position among the top ranking districts in the...
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