-The Hindu The Union government on Thursday allowed an increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs. 80 per quintal for paddy during the current kharif season, but it is said to be way below the hike recommended by both the Union Ministry of Agriculture and the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). The government said the objective was to boost production during the current kharif season and meet...
Govt may introduce food security Bill in monsoon session by Liz Mathew
Discussions with Plan panel, finmin and NAC almost over, draft law to be finalized at the next eGoM meeting The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is expected to introduce the National Food Security Bill, a proposal that aims to provide subsidized foodgrain to the poor, in the monsoon session of Parliament even as the procurement of rice and wheat touches a record high. The ruling Congress party had pledged in its...
More »Supreme Court complies with CIC order
-The Hindu The Central Public Information Officer of the Supreme Court has informed RTI activist Subash Chandra Agrawal that Chief Justice of India S.H. Kapadia was yet to pass appropriate orders for the setting up of a Constitution Bench to hear cases relating to declaration of assets by judges and other connected issues. The CPIO, in her letter, said the matter was placed before the CJI on December 8, 2010. The...
More »Breaking a cultural taboo by Maitreyee Handique
Women speak out fears of resisting deep-seated taboos associated with menstruation, viewed even today as polluting in much of India The status of women in India, despite all the brave talk, remains as precarious as ever. This is, after all, a culture which not just condones, but actively encourages the termination of foetuses determined to be female. Other crimes of violence against women are routine. Can things ever change? We took...
More »Land for the boys by MJ Antony
In its wisdom, the state giveth and the state taketh away. When it acquires farmlands claiming eminent domain, there is blood on the streets. However, when it quietly bestows largesse on chosen ones, it is barely noticed. At worst there is a lawsuit. There were a dozen lengthy judgments from the Supreme Court in the past two months on land acquisition disputes — a mark of the times. But the biased...
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