-The Hindu ICMR chief Balram Bhargava urged students coming from Ukraine to get vaccinated immediately if they had not already done so. In 2022, 92% of COVID deaths have been in unvaccinated individuals, Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Dr. Balram Bhargava said on Thursday. He added that it’s evident that vaccines and the wide vaccination coverage have played a very important role in protecting hundreds of lives. Dr....
Chhattisgarh farmers frustrated over black marketing of urea -Avdhesh Mallick
-Down to Earth Farmers in the state are not getting urea; if they are, it is at almost double the price Urea prices are skyrocketing in Chhattisgarh due to the government’s decisions these days. So bad is the situation that farmers are being forced to buy urea on the black market and then cultivate paddy at a higher cost and bear the losses. Due to this, farmers from Raipur, Mahasamund, Bilaspur and...
More »Why Much Hyped Protection of Ganga Has Not Succeeded in India -Bharat Dogra
-CounterCurrents.org Protection of the Ganga river is one of those tasks in which the government can achieve great success with the enthusisastic involvement of people. Then why is it that success has so far proved so elusive? The available data for Varanasi, the most prioritized place for Ganga protection, reveals that in terms of the essential parameters which define acceptable water fit for bathing, the Ganga here remains much more polluted...
More »Value the knowledge of the Ganga’s riverine communities for river’s development -NCAER
-Hindustan Times The National Council of Applied Economic Research recently conducted a study, titled, Livelihood and Health Challenges of Riverine Communities of the River Ganga, in collaboration with the University of Chicago’s Tata Centre for Development to explore the social & economic engagement of the riverine communities on the Ganga in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. A large section of the population living in the Ganga river basin still depends on the...
More »UP: Insufficient Nutrition Packages Cause Rift Between Anganwadis and Community
-Sabrang India Union of Anganwadi workers urges the state government to supply adequate nutrition and resolve the conflict. Uttar Pradesh Anganwadi Employees Union demanded timely and appropriate delivery of supplementary nutrition to anganwadi centres as per Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) scheme. The demand was reiterated following a conflict between workers and the people of Bulandshahr on February 28, 2022. On Monday, anganwadi workers protested outside the district administration’s office to demand an...
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