-The Hindu With the cash crunch SITuation easing, Reserve Bank of India may do away with the weekly withdrawal limits from banks as well as ATMs by the end of next month, bankers said. The RBI had recently raised the ATM withdrawal limit to Rs. 10,000 a day but maintained the weekly cap at Rs. 24,000 for savings account and Rs. 1 lakh for current account holders. “I think the restrictions on withdrawal...
Delhi's first govt model school has audio-visual aids, swanky classes and a gym
-Hindustan Times Delhi: The Delhi government launched the first of its 54 model schools, which has audio-visual teaching aids, projectors in classrooms and a swanky building on Wednesday. Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia had in 2015 announced that it will turn 54 of its schools as a pilot project to bring government schools at par with private schools. While all the shortlisted schools are undergoing renovation, Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya in Rouse Avenue was the...
More »Owing to drought, mangoes arrive three months early -Shankar Bennur
-The Hindu MYSURU: In the throes of a prolonged dry spell, the people of Karnataka may have something to cheer about with the early arrival of mangoes this year. Prolonged drought in the State has induced flowering in mango trees, resulting in the arrival of the fruit three months before season. However, horticulture experts say it is too early to predict a bumper crop with the season beginning months ahead. In the...
More »Away from the jallikattu row, a drought-hit villager in Tamil Nadu starts selling her cattle -Vinita Govindarajan
-Scroll.in In a harvest-less January, the state's farming community can only count its losses. We’re here to ensure the well-being of Tamil Nadu’s farmers. That refrain was heard repeatedly last week as protestors across the state demanded that the ban on the bull-taming sport of jallikattu. The exertions through which the bulls were put, allowed farmers to identify the most virile animals, the argument went, and was vital for ensuring the survival...
More »Note ban has caused loss of Rs 20,000-50,000 per acre, claims famers' union
-IANS New Delhi: India’s cash-driven agri sector continues to reel under the effects of demonetisation, with farmers growing fruits and vegetables suffering “huge losses”, say farm leaders who want the Union budget to “compensate” them for these losses. Amid reports of farmers dumping or refusing to harvest crops like tomatoes and peas due to a crash in prices as traders did not have the cash to purchase the produce, farmer leader Ajay...
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