A three-day Tarapur-Jaitapur anti-nuclear plant yatra was stopped the moment it began and hundreds of activists were detained at Boisar in this district on Saturday. Activists and supporters, including Justices (retired) B G Kolse-Patil and P.B. Sawant, social activist Vaishali Patil, and Admiral (retd) L Ramdas, were whisked away in police vans from Panchmarg Tarapur, where they had addressed a public meeting in the morning. They were brought to the Boisar...
Double fortified salt mandatory in midday meal by Aarti Dhar
Government to promote its use to tackle anaemia Food Department to examine the possibility of supplying DFS through PDS Ministries of Women and Child Development and Health to launch media campaign The Union government will promote the use of iron fortified iodised salt (double fortified salt) to battle anaemia, one of the major causes of malnutrition, particularly among women and children. To begin with, the Ministries dealing with food and nutrition programmes such as...
More »Jan Lokpal: an alternative view by KN Panikkar
Given the scale of corruption in India, the constitution of a Jan Lokpal will be a welcome initiative. But the proposed Lokpal has the makings of a super-monster. After 42 years of hesitation and uncertainty, an institutional mechanism to deal with the all-pervasive incidence of corruption in India is in sight. What apparently moved the state machinery was the agitation spearheaded by Anna Hazare, which drew spontaneous support primarily in the...
More »"CSE Media Fellowship Deadline Extended"
According to a communication from Papia Samajdar of CSE, the deadline for applying for CSE's Twelfth Media Fellowships - Water Bodies in India: Public Space, Private Designs, has been extended to May 31, 2011. For any clarifications, please contact:Ph: 011-29955124, 29955125, Fax: 011-29955879, 9811906977 Email: papia@cseindia.org or see the Website: www.cseindia.org Water Bodies in India : Public Space, Private Design June 1, 2011 – August 1, 2011 After land, our water bodies...
More »A Table for Nine Billion by Aprille Muscara
As the World Bank and International Monetary Fund convene for their annual Spring Meetings here, soaring food prices are high on the agenda, prompting some analysts to fast-forward to 2050 and the question of how to nourish the mid-century's estimated world population of 8.9 billion people – the majority of whom will live in developing countries. "More poor people are suffering and more people could become poor because of high and...
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