-PTI/ The Hindu Nine low-pressure systems, including two cyclones, one deep depression and six lows, affected the country during the period. India recorded 125 extremely heavy rainfall events during September and October in 2021, the highest in five years, owing to the late withdrawal of the southwest monsoon and higher-than-normal low-pressure systems, India Meteorological Department (IMD) said on Tuesday. The country recorded 89 extremely heavy rainfall events in September against 61 in the...
Not just Global Hunger Index, India’s own govt data shows how worried we should be -Siraj Hussain and Jugal Mohapatra
-ThePrint.in The Modi government has questioned the methodology of the Global Hunger Index. But undernutrition is one of the leading factors of child mortality in India. In India, malnutrition is not uncommon even in economically well-off sections of the population. It must be understood that malnutrition is not just hunger. It also includes: * Undernutrition –which includes wasting (low weight for height), stunting (low height for age), and being underweight (low weight for...
More »Finding a way out of India’s deepening water stress -Thomas Varghese
-The Hindu In any new National Water Policy, the aim should also be to encourage conserving water resources and efficient usage The complexity and scale of the water crisis in India calls for a locus specific response, that can galvanise and integrate the ongoing work of different Ministries and Departments through new configurations. Such an integrated approach must necessarily cut across sectoral boundaries and not stop at the merger achieved between the...
More »As schools re-open, address language & mathematics competences at different grades, adopting a socio-emotional development approach, suggests NCEE
-Press release by National Coalition on the Education Emergency dated 2nd November, 2021 * India’s 250 million children returning to school after 18 months of school closures and devastating learning loss * The NCEE warns that re-opening schools cannot be “return to school” as normal, and lack of a comprehensive approach will deepen the existing education inequality * Education recovery efforts require a multi-year, radically new approach, NCEE says NEW DELHI: The overwhelming majority...
More »Organic farming can lead to good yields, even in an intensively farmed area -Rajinder Chaudhary
-Down to Earth A survey in Haryana last year found that 45 per cent of 218 organic farmers got yields for wheat better than the state official average yield The relative merit of organic farming is recognised. Still, it is usually recommended only for areas of low chemical usage and not for intensively farmed areas such as those where the Green Revolution took place in the 1960s like Punjab, Haryana and western...
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