-The Indian Express BJP candidate Neelam Karwariya, whose husband, former BJP MLA Uday Bhan Karwariya, is lodged in Mirzapur district jail, won from Meja seat in Allahabad. Lucknow: Murder accused Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja Bhaiya and Amanmani Tripathi, jailed don Mukhtar Ansari and gangsters Vijay Mishra and Sushil Singh are among over a dozen candidates with criminal backgrounds who won this election. While Singh contested on a BJP ticket from Saiyadraza seat...
On track, but more needed -R Prasad
-The Hindu Institutional deliveries are up in India, but breastfeeding within the first hour of birth needs to keep pace Despite institutional delivery being as high as nearly 79% nationally, the number of children in India breastfed within one hour of birth is less than 42% — near 43% in urban areas and 41% in rural India, according to the National Family Health Survey 4 (NFHS-4) data released a few days ago....
More »New midday meal norms 'inhuman'
-The Hindu Teachers, Anganwadi workers speak out against Centre’s decision Jaipur: Teachers and Anganwadi workers in Rajasthan have spoken out against the Centre's recent decision to link the midday meal scheme to Aadhaar, saying it would completely disrupt the process of food distribution and teaching and learning. They said it would create an “inhuman culture” where children would be denied food due to exclusion through biometrics. While responding to queries of the Right to...
More »Paid maternity leave extended to 26 weeks
-The Hindu For the third child, the maternity leave entitlement will only be for 12 weeks. Calling it a ‘humble gift’ to women in India, Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya welcomed the Parliament nod to the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016. Women working in the organised sector will now be entitled to paid maternity leave of 26 weeks, up from 12 weeks. The bill will benefit about 1.8 million women. The new law will...
More »How Assam's neglected black rice found a market in Delhi, Mumbai -Manjeet Sehgal
-India Today Commonly grown in Assam, the Black Rice (Kala chavul) is an exotic variety with amazing nutritional parameters like anti-oxidant, minerals, carbohydrates and fibre but the growers lacked the market. Chandigarh: The northeastern states like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Sikkim are a veritable goldmine of organic foodgrains, herbs, spices and fruits. Despite the uniqueness and amazing health benefits, these foodgrains and herbs remain confined to these states as...
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