-The Hindu Maharashtra on Thursday launched an online portal for Right to Information (RTI) applications. The web portal (www.rtionline.Maharashtra.gov.in) can be used by citizens of the State to file online applications as well as first appeals under the RTI. The portal, available in both English and Marathi, informs applicants about the status/progress of their pleas. The fee for the application can be paid via internet banking or debit/credit cards. On submission of...
Centre blocks 32 websites for security reasons, restores some later -S Ronendra Singh
-The Hindu Business Line Netizens up in arms on social media, seek better law instead The Centre on Wednesday asked Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block 32 websites citing national security concerns, especially from terror group ISIS. The move created a flutter on social networking sites, as most of the Web sites, such as archive.org, vimeo.com, github.com, pastebin.com, codepad.org and paste2.org, were being used by global communities like application developers for free movies...
More »Fencing the farmer out -Jairam Ramesh & Muhammad Khan
-The Hindu In the name of economic reforms and development, the government has taken a significant step backward in India's march to land justice. The pushing through of the Land Act ordinance violates all democratic norms On Monday, the Bharatiya Janata Party government cleared the proposed ordinance to amend the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013. This amendment, insofar as has been made known...
More »MP registers highest infant mortality rate for 11th year in a row -Sravani Sarkar
-The Hindustan Times Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh is the worst place to be born in India - and it has been so for more than a decade. For 11th year in a row, the state has registered the highest infant mortality rate in the country, says the latest Sample Registration System report for 2013 released on Sunday by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India. Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths...
More »Girls in Gujarat record highest incidences of ‘sexual abuse’ -Avinash Nair
-The Indian Express More girls in Prime Minister Narendra Modi home state Gujarat seem to be reporting ‘sexual abuse' than anywhere else in the country. According to a recent status report published by an NGO - Save the Children - over 63 percent girls in Gujarat have reported sexual abuse which is highest in the country. Madhya Pradesh (57%) and West Bengal (56%) stand second and third respectively in the report titled,...
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