-The Hindu As for milk and milk products, only 8.7% in rural and 14.3% of the population in urban areas consumed as per the recommended intakes. Hyderabad: City-based Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR-NIN) has initiated ‘Mapping of nutrition and health status – A national level participatory real-time data generation programme’ to develop a mobile-based device to be used by nutrition researchers at district level nationwide during this ongoing...
What economists like Ashok Gulati still don’t understand about agriculture in India -Yogendra Yadav
-ThePrint.in Indian farmers have read the writing on the wall. India’s economists have not. Do Indian farmers understand the agrarian economy better than Ashok Gulati? Ridiculous as it might sound, the answer could well be: yes. Professor Ashok Gulati is the leading agricultural economist in India, and among the scholars I read, consult and respect. He combines solid scholarship with genuine concern for the farmers. He has the spine to stand against governments...
More »A wage code that is a hasty composition -K Chandru
-The Hindu The Code on Wages (yet to be notified) has not succeeded in a consolidation of laws and is a case of tall official claims In the brief monsoon session of Parliament, THRee new labour codes (The Industrial Relations Code, the Social Security Code and the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020) were bulldozed into passing and now await the President’s assent. Labour Minister Santosh Gangwar told the media...
More »Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch opposes the passage of 3 Farm Bills
-Press statement by Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (MAKAAM) dated 30th September, 2020 Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (MAKAAM) opposes the unilateral and undemocratic passage of the 3 farm-related Bills in the Parliament by the BJP led government at the Center, which subsequently received presidential assent. Though these legislations were brought in in the name of farmers, there has been no evidence proffered about how this is so, and clearly, these are meant...
More »Transgender rules issued: no medical exam needed to declare desired sex -Esha Roy
-The Indian Express The Rules, first released as a draft in July, inviting objections and suggestions, had been criticised by the LGBTQ community for “taking away’’ their dignity by mandating that a third person, such as a District Magistrate, would verify, and subsequently certify the gender of a person. Transgender persons who want to declare their desired sex will no longer have to go THRough a medical examination in order to do...
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