Dalit leader Mayawati spent Rs 20,12,60,000 of public money over the past one year to renovate her bungalow at 13, Mall Avenue, in Lucknow. She needs Rs 2 crore more. Recently, Mayawati moved out of the chief minister's official residence and shifted to her home, ostensibly because she considers 13 to be her lucky number. The Rs 20 crore was spent from the chief minister's contingency fund, according to the supplementary...
Muslims, by any other name by Farah Naqvi
The (word) games we play to avoid dealing with the problems of some of the poorest Indians. It's strange season again in the corridors of planning and power — the run up to the 12th Five-Year Plan. This is when myriad Planning Commission committees review the (somewhat predictable) non-implementation of policies intended to benefit some of the poorest Indians, and recommend changes, only to repeat the exercise five years later. Forgive my...
More »Bastar’s choice: Take up gun for govt or Maoists by Jaideep Hardikar
Nandkumar Naitam is relieved after a month of “torturous” anxiety. “I thought it over again and again,” the 20-year-old tribal youth says. “I thought that if I couldn’t get a rifle, I’d pick up my traditional weapon, the bow-and-arrow.” It was a desperation that Nandu, as he is fondly called, shared with his 5,000-odd fellow special police officers (SPOs), who till a month ago formed the Chhattisgarh government’s frontline against the Maoists...
More »Too sweeping a ruling
-The Business Standard The Supreme Court decision banning both mining and movement of ore in Bellary district in Karnataka, following the Lok Ayukta report, is excessive. The blanket ban penalises even those who did nothing wrong. While the outrage over the illegal profiteering of over Rs 12,000 crore by a politician-operator-bureaucrat combine is understandable, applying the brakes on all mining and related activity in the district is an undifferentiated response. The...
More »National SC/ST Commission sends summons to Leela Samson
-The Hindu The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has issued summons to Leela Samson, chairpersons of the Central Board of Film Certification, to appear before it on August 8 in connection with the upcoming Bollywood movie ‘ Aarakshan ' (Reservations). Commission has called Ms. Samson to examine whether the movie violated any provision of the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, Sameer Bhujbal, MP and son of prominent Maharashtra...
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