-The Hindu Activists claim their colleague was brutally raped and murdered Women's groups staged angry protests on National Highway 28 in Muzaffarpur district after a Dalit woman Activist was found dead at Mandai village. According to Rinku Devi of the Janwadi Mahila Samiti - a group that the victim was a member of - the woman was raped and murdered. "The Activist was raped and murdered in a brutal fashion. According to the family,...
The fear that triggered call for forces
-The Telegraph Chief minister Mamata Banerjee will not know Pushpa Tudu. Neither will state election commissioner Mira Pande. Such an assertion can be made because Pushpa Tudu does not want her real name to be published - a wish that tells the human story behind the stand-off between the Bengal government and the state election commission. Early last week, Pushpa Tudu (name changed), a probable CPM gram panchayat candidate, was addressing a small...
More »Child rights panel received only 51 abuse cases in 5 years -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India This flies in the face of the spate of growing abuses against children. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) - mandated to monitor child rights' violations and armed with quasi-judicial powers - has received only 51 complaints of sexual and physical abuse of children from across the country in the last five years. Even more shocking is that it has filed FIRs in only...
More »Bihar RTI Activists cope with murder and ‘false cases’ -Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Patna: RTI Activists in Bihar say they are intimidated and threatened by the people they seek to expose, with five of them murdered since 2009. They have mounted pressure on the government to ensure their safety. Ram Kumar Thakur of Ratnauli, an RTI Activist, a lawyer and the main witness in a vigilance case, was shot dead last week, the latest of the five murders. The FIR names Ratnauli...
More »Mane on the run, his organisation silent in face of rape allegations-Sushant Kulkarni
-The Indian Express Satara: Despite five women accusing author and Activist Laxman Mane of rape and sexual harassment, police in Satara say they are finding it difficult to get evidence and witnesses in their investigation. Mane, a Padma Shri and winner of the Sahitya Akademi award, continues to be on the run, police said. Three employees of Shardabai Pawar Ashram Shala, a Jakatwadi-based residential school for underprivileged children, on Sunday accused Mane of...
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