A Relief of Rs 94.93 crore will be paid to farmers whose crops were damaged in the recent floods in Haryana. This figure has been calculated as per the state norms on the basis of damage to crops assessed through a special girdawari. This was revealed at a meeting of the state-level committee constituted to administer the Haryana Calamity Relief Fund, which was chaired by Chief Secretary Urvashi Gulati here today. She directed...
Isolated tribal villages facing starvation in Manipur by Iboyaima Laithangbam
Three tribal villages in Manipur's Ukhrul district are facing starvation due to their being cut off from other parts of the State since the July 29 landslip between Chingai and Quingai. The situation worsened after another landslip on August 15. In addition, the washing away by a flash flood of the wooden bridge over the Rondei river connecting these villages with the rest of the district has greatly impeded transportation. Tribals told The...
More »India's 'constant gardeners' by Keya Acharya
In some remote villages in India, which are most unlikely to pose as models of development, a quiet rejuvenation is taking place, with communities learning to adapt to the climate change reality of the country today. Everyone knows by now that one of the foremost signs of climate change for the country is the changing pattern of the monsoon. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has already forecast shorter yet...
More »Leh: PM announces Rs. 125 cr Relief for cloudburst victims
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced a Rs. 125 crore Relief packaged for the Leh cloudburst victims and said all houses destroyed by the natural calamity will be reconstructed within the next two-and-a-half months. Singh, who arrived in Leh on a day-long visit to take stock of Relief and rehabilitation undertaken in the aftermath of flash floods in this mountainous region, said Relief will be given from the Prime Minister's National Relief...
More »Drought tag for entire Jharkhand by Amit Gupta
Governor M..H. Farook today declared eight more districts as drought-hit, bringing the entire state in the parched bracket ahead of a central team visit. With this, the memorandum of demands to be forwarded to the Union government, seeking financial assistance to mitigate the effects of drought, will be redesigned. It is now pegged at around Rs 3,000 crore against the earlier Rs 2,157 crore. An eight-member central team, led by managing director...
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