Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that the government plans to strengthen anti-graft laws in India by making bribery in the private sector a criminal offence. “We are considering changes in our laws to criminalize private sector bribery,” Singh said, while speaking at the Biennial Conference of CBI and state anti-corruption bureaux on Friday. Singh also indicated that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will continue as the premier investigative agency even after...
Maruti’s Modern Times clash by Sujan Dutta
In the brown smog that covers Manesar this late autumn, large trucks that pack half-a-dozen cars each into their containers queue on the broken highway from Delhi to Jaipur and park any which way they can. Their drivers loll in the teashops and dhabas. Few know when their containers will be loaded with Maruti Suzuki’s deliverables: cars named Swift and Dzire and A-Star and Sx4 that have been booked by tens...
More »Singh swims with civil society tide by Manini Chatterjee
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today reached out to India’s civil society and sought to be in sync with the restive public mood worldwide. Singh warmly appreciated “Anna Hazareji’s movement”, condemning the physical attacks on Team Anna members in recent days, sympathised with the sentiments of the Occupy Wall Street protests and praised the role of the judiciary as central to India’s democracy. In a wide-ranging interaction with journalists on his flight home...
More »No delay in Lokpal, promises Khurshid
-The Telegraph Union law minister Salman Khurshid today said the Lokpal will be a Constitutional authority and that this will not delay the bill. “Is it going to delay Lokpal’s creation? My answer is no, there will be no delay and we will work hard to ensure there’s no delay. We cannot say with absolute certainty that it will be passed in Parliament at this time, on this day,” Khurshid said, but...
More »CAG not exceeding jurisdiction: Pranab
-PTI Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee today backed the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in the context of reports on various scams, saying the government auditor has not exceeded his jurisdiction. "I am making it clear that I do not think that CAG is exceeding its jurisdiction or things like that, because basic responsibility of the CAG is to identify, if there is any, lapse," he said during a question-answer session at the...
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