-PTI/ The Hindu Summoning officials of Amazon and Google is also under active consideration, sources said. Social media giants Facebook and Twitter have been issued summons by a joint committee of Parliament on the issue of protection of data and its PRIvacy, sources said on October 22. Representatives of Facebook India have been asked to appear on October 23 before the Joint Committee on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, chaired by BJP...
Farm bills: Politics now threatens to complicate the process -Ajay Vir Jakhar
-The Indian Express An opportunity has been lost in the lackadaisical handling of the issue. When the establishment ignores the historical context and the emotional component underlying any debate, mass protests can erupt to potentially shape the future. The people of Punjab would not have wanted a confrontation with the Union government, neither would I want to put it so bluntly, but around us, agitated farmers, with a strong common purpose, are...
More »PM Modi quotes selective data to paint a rosy picture of India’s COVID-19 response -Sam Jawed
-Altnews.in “Lies, damned lies and statistics”. The phrase is often used to show that numbers have a persuasive power but when presented selectively they have the power to mislead. In his recent address to the nation, PRIme Minister Narendra Modi quoted some statistics to explain how India is managing the coronavirus pandemic better than many developed countries. The PM stated that India has 5,500 cases per 10 lakh (million) as compared...
More »‘Harassment’ of journalists: Global press bodies write to PM Modi
-The Indian Express “As many as 55 journalists were targeted for covering the pandemic in India between 25 March, when lockdown was first imposed, and 31 May, a report by Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) has shown,” they stated. Two international press associations have written a joint letter to PRIme Minister Narendra Modi and urged him to take “immediate steps to ensure that journalists can work without harassment and fear of...
More »Rajasthan govt. to bring bill against Centre’s farm laws, says Ashok Gehlot
-PTI/ The Hindu In the meeting of the State council of Ministers held at the Chief Minister’s residence, the effects of Centre’s three new laws on the farmers were discussed Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday said his government will bring a bill against the Centre’s farm laws on the lines of Punjab. The Chief Minister announced this on Twitter, hours after the Punjab assembly unanimously passed four bills and adopted a...
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