-The Hindu “The Hindu”, in a query filed under the RTI Act, sought information on the expected date of the first phase of Census 2021 and an update of the NPR. The office of the Registrar General of India (RGI) has said the schedule or the questionnaire of the National Population Register (NPR) is “being finalised” and the information about the expected date of first phase of Census 2021 is “not available.” The...
Storm in Akshaya Patra’s teacup: Trustees tell TNM why they resigned -Pooja Prasanna
-TheNewsMinute.com One of the trustees who resigned, Mohandas Pai, told TNM that allegations of misuse of funds led to friction between independent trustees and ISKCON missionaries on the board. The resignation of four independent trustees of the Akshaya Patra Foundation (APF) has raised questions over the future of a programme that distributes over 18 lakh meals every day in 12 states across the country. The four trustees – former Infosys CEO Mohandas...
More »Is loan guarantee scheme serving the purpose? -Madan Sabnavis
-The Hindu Business Line MSMEs are using funds from the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme more to pay off earlier loans than as growth capital The Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) was one of the highlights of the economic package announced by the government in May, and it became operational on May 23. The scheme is basically a loan guarantee for all MSMEs which were operational as on February 29 with...
More »‘Parkinson’s is recognised as disabling’: NPRD seeks NHRC’s intervention in Stan Swamy’s case
-The Indian Express Last week, a special court had directed the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to file a reply on an application filed by Swamy, who had sought permission to be allowed a straw and sipper in the jail. The NIA has been asked to file a reply to the plea by November 26. Seeking the National Human Rights Commission of India’s (NHRC) intervention, the National Platform for the Rights of the...
More »Protect our Republic, my lords -Sriram Panchu
-The Hindu The judiciary’s quick intervention in the Arnab Goswami case turns the spotlight on other serious cases that languish The facts are brief. Mr. Arnab Goswami of Republic TV, a media group perceived to be supportive of the ruling party, was arrested by the Mumbai Police on November 4, 2020 on a charge of abetting the suicide of Anvay Naik. The suicide note mentioned that the channel had not paid bills...
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