-The Hindu Centre has proposed that the next phase of NPR will be conducted along with the first phase of Census between April to September 2020. The Registrar General of India (RGI) has asked all States to “give highest importance, Attention and time” to the Census and National Population Register (NPR) work as “the foundations of the statistics of the country” depend on them. In a 14-page letter, dated January 29 and addressed...
Modi govt at work! Double whammy of unemployment and price rise -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Joblessness is zooming, inflation is at six-year high led by food inflation, exports are down further, industrial production is stagnant and investment is at a standstill. In the last six months or so, the Modi government has supposedly been paying close Attention to the sinking economy, with a flurry of meetings, announcements of freebies to corporates, fervent assurances to markets and budget shenanigans to supposedly keep the deficit in check and...
More »India to witness severe food inflation due to extreme weather -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth The record-breaking vegetable price rise indicates an era of high food inflation in coming years Rising prices of food items, particularly that of vegetables, have spiked retail inflation to a 68-month high of 7.59 per cent in January 2020, according to the National Statistical Office. While the inflation figure captured headlines, a crucial analysis of the reasons behind this sustained increase in food prices slipped public Attention. Extreme weather events...
More »Budget 2020: You did promise jobs, Mr. Modi, didn't you? -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Will this Budget give any signal that the government is tackling the deadly jobs crisis? Budgets usually don’t address big systemic issues. After all, they only arrange for government revenue and expenditure for one year. But, if the water is flowing over your head, a Budget could very well give a strong signal of beginning something. It could open the door to policy changes, and declare a determined political intent. The raging...
More »Infant deaths: A bleak winter for Kota's children -Mohammed Iqbal
-The Hindu While the children’s families blame the staff of Kota’s J.K. Lon Hospital for negligence, studies show that the government hospital is poorly equipped and understaffed. Mohammed Iqbal reports on the failure of the primary healthcare system which has led to the deaths of more than a hundred children in the last 40 days When four-month-old Tejas had a constant cough, ran a high fever and experienced shortness of breath in...
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