The Chhattisgarh High Court on Thursday dismissed an application of rights activist and paediatrician Dr. Binayak Sen seeking bail and suspension of life term awarded to him. But the court will continue to hear his appeal against the life sentence handed down by a Raipur Additional District and Sessions Court. The court also dismissed a similar application of co-accused Kolkata businessman Pijush Guha. On December 24 last, the Raipur court convicted Dr....
The Sound Of Silence by Najeeb Jung
The incarceration of Binayak Sen reminded me of the sophist philosopher Thrasymachus's definition of justice in Plato's Republic. Challenged by Socrates to define justice he says: "I proclaim that might is right, and justice is in the interest of the stronger...The different forms of government make laws, democratic, aristocratic, or autocratic, with a view to their respective interests; and these laws, so made by them to serve their interests, they...
More »Just Rs 4/day to feed a poor kid? by Himanshi Dhawan
Inflation has made the fight against malnutrition harder. In a country where 46% of the country's children below three years are underweight and inflation has spiralled to above 15%, a meagre allocation of Rs 4 per day to feed a child is a mockery of the food programme. Small wonder then that states have demanded an increase in allocation and linking the government's Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) with consumer...
More »March for Binayak Sen's release
The Free Binayak Sen Campaign Committee, Delhi, organised a march from Red Fort to Shaheed Bhagat Singh Park here on Sunday, demanding the release of human rights activist Binayak Sen and scrapping of the sedition law. Organisations like All India Democratic Students' Union, People's Union for Civil Liberties, Mazdoor Ekta Manch and All India Students' Association participated in it. The protest was organised as part of a nationwide call against Dr. Sen's...
More »Maximum Dithering for Minimum Wages!
Even though the Central Government agreed to link the wages paid under MG-NREGA to the Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labourers (CPIAL), it shied away from paying statutory minimum wages in various states of India. Their logic for this: Lack of clarity on who will bear the extra financial burden—the Centre or the states? A letter from the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to UPA and NAC Chairperson Sonia Gandhi dated 31...
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