-IndiaSpend.com Lawmakers from the Scheduled Castes and Tribes are confined mostly to the lower house's social justice committee, in which they have had more than 50% representation since 2009. Just eight of 27 Parliamentary committees meet or surpass the 25.4% representation of SC/ST members of parliament in the current Lok Sabha, our analysis shows. New Delhi: Few lawmakers from the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) in the Lok Sabha are...
Rote Learning and the Destruction of Creativity -Anurag Mehra
-TheIndiaForum.in Anurag Mehra teaches engineering and policy at IIT Bombay. His policy focus is the interface between technology, culture, and politics. The shallow form of schooling with its emphasis on information kills rather than develops curiosity and creativity, all made worse by the importance given to 'marks' recorded in exams. An overhaul is needed but not one driven by digital delusions. Policymakers seem to have a deep love for the word 'innovation'. The...
More »G7 Corporate Tax Deal -- Setting the Bar Too Low? -Shinzani Jain
-Newsclick.in Finance ministers from G7 countries have agreed on a deal to check tax avoidance by the biggest multinational conglomerations. How the G20 reacts to this accord and how these plans are implemented, remains to be seen. A recent report by ProPublica has revealed how multibillionaires from the US, including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla’s Elon Musk, Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, among others, have managed to avoid paying federal taxes...
More »The promise and perils of digital justice delivery -Tanmay Singh and Krishnesh Bapat
-The Hindu Phase 3 of the e-Courts project can harness technology for service delivery without increasing surveillance risks In popular perception, Indian courts are not associated first with the delivery of justice, but with long delays and difficulties for ordinary litigants. According to data released by the Supreme Court in the June 2020 newsletter of the e-Committee, 3.27 crore cases are pending before Indian courts, of which 85,000 have been pending for...
More »Govt Think Tank Hand-Picked SC Rulings To Probe Judicial Activism - Shreegireesh Jalihal/ The Reporters’ Collective
-Article-14.com The Niti Aayog wants to review the economic impacts of Supreme Court rulings on environmental-law violations. Its officials are supposedly not investigating ‘judicial activism’. Files we obtained using right-to-information Laws show that is indeed what they are doing. New Delhi: The government think tank Niti Aayog funded a study on the economic impact of judicial activism, overruling a warning from a top official that it served no purpose, according to documents...
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