-The Times of India After spending 25 days behind bars on charges of raping her live-in girlfriend, athlete Pinki Pramanik was granted bail on Tuesday. The judge virtually exonerated the Asiad gold medallist by saying that preliminary medical reports make it clear Pinki is "not capable of committing rape". There was much drama both inside the courtroom and outside. Athlete and former CPM MP Jyotirmoyee Sikdar led a huge crowd at the...
PMO seeks report on Visva-Bharati outrage-Someswar Boral
-The Times of India BOLPUR/NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister's office on Monday took serious note of an incident where a Class-V student of Visva-Bharati's Patha Bhavan school was forced to lick her urine as punishment for bedwetting. The PM is the university's chancellor and his office has asked for a report. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights too has slapped a notice on the state government asking for a...
More »Nagri ire spills over-Raj Kumar
-The Telegraph A day after land protests rocked Nagri, work at the construction site of three premier educational institutions stalled on Thursday even as villagers demanding “return” of their fertile land blocked the arterial Ranchi-Patratu road a kilometre away, disrupting Hazaribagh-bound traffic from the capital throughout the day. A 100-strong mob, comprising mostly women, used a crane belonging to a contractor, to block the vital artery from 9am. Even heavy rain failed...
More »‘Talkative’ girl gagged with tape-M Sai Gopal
-The Hindu A schoolgirl, accused of being talkative in the class, was forced to stand for over five hours outside the classroom after her lips were sealed with an adhesive tape, in a private school in the Noorkhan Bazar locality of Old City here on Wednesday. Syeda Sadar Fatima, studying in Class 9 at Sam British School, rushed home weeping and reported the matter to her parents. Her father Syed Mujtaba Hussain...
More »Call for law to jail teachers who cane-Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph Teachers who don’t believe in sparing the rod, beware. If an amendment to an existing act on juvenile justice is passed, corporal punishment will for the first time become a standalone provision in the law under which teachers found guilty could be jailed for up to seven years, depending on the nature of injury. As of now there is no definition of corporal punishment except for a provision under the Right...
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