Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday said he was aware of the "nervousness in the corporate sector" over phone tapping and asked cabinet secretary KM Chandrasekhar to look into the matter and submit a report within a month. "I am aware of the nervousness in the corporate sector arising out of the powers conferred upon the government authorities to tap the phones for protecting national security and preventing tax evasion and money...
High Court stays polls to Gulbarga Zilla Panchayat
Over 50 per cent quota for women challengedThe Gulbarga Circuit Bench of the Karnataka High Court has stayed elections to the Gulbarga Zilla Panchayat till further hearing on a petition filed by three persons from Aland taluk challenging the reservation of seats for women exceeding 50 per cent of the total number of seats.The reservation of seats announced for the Jidga and Chinchansur zilla panchayat constituencies has also been challenged.Interim...
More »Corruption in the neoliberal era by cp chandrasekhar
Advocates of liberalisation argue that by reducing state intervention and increasing transparency economic reform reduces corruption. Recent allegations of corruption suggest that this may not be true. In a season for scandal, allegations of large scale corruption have captured political India's attention. The instances to which such allegations relate are many, varying from the sale of 2G spectrum and the mobilisation and/or disposal of land and mining resources to purchases made...
More »Bt is only hype sans results: farmers
More hands join to support the cause of `Kisan Swaraj' and `safe food for all, sans Bt'. Adding momentum to this cause, the Kisan Swaraj Yatra reached Bangalore on Sunday. At a public meeting in the Institute of Agricultural technologists (IAT), Kodihalli Chandrasekhar, president, Karnataka Rajya Raithara Sangha (KRRS) assured that over 5,000 farmers from the state will join the yatra when it ends at Raj Ghat, in New Delhi, on...
More »Raid whiff as Games files go missing by Archis Mohan and Sanjay K Jha
The Commonwealth Games corruption probe could lead to raids on the homes and offices of some of the organisers to find missing documents, sources said. Agencies investigating wrongdoing in the Games preparations have complained that key files and documents are untraceable or unavailable at the offices of the government departments that carried out the work. Enforcement Directorate sources said they might raid some of the key people behind the organisation of the...
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